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Like its predecessor, Book Two places special emphasis on rhythm reading skills. Book Two introduces rhythms most often found in second year band methods. *Minimum order of 20 books required.*

Book 2 - Intermediate Studies (Minimum order of 20 books required.)


01. Book Two begins with a comprehensive review of key concepts from Book One.

02. Like its predecessor, Book Two places special emphasis on rhythm reading skills. Book Two introduces rhythms most often found in second year method books.

03. A knowledge of major scales and key signatures is essential for all young musicians. Book Two begins the scale writing process by first combining whole steps and half steps in the traditional pattern. Next, students are taught the fifteen major key signatures and learn to write scales using the key signature “plug-in” method. The Circle of Fifths and a unique “Chart of Fifths” are also introduced as key signature memorizations aids.

04. Book Two continues the practice of relating all new concepts (when appropriate) to the piano keyboard.

05. Each new rhythmic figure appears in special counting exercises which move the rhythm from beat to beat in two-four, three-four, and four-four time.

06. Proper degree names and solfege syllables are introduced as a means of solidifying students’ ability to think in major keys – an essential skill for advanced music study.

07. Book Two concludes with a unit that introduces students to tempo terms, articulations and trills and other “musical road signs.”

Table of Contents

Book Two – Intermediate Studies

Lesson 1:
Lesson 2:
Lesson 3:
Lesson 4:
Lesson 5:
Lesson 6:
Lesson 7:
Lesson 8:
Lesson 9:
Lesson 10:
Lesson 11:
Lesson 12:
Lesson 13:
Lesson 14:
Lesson 15:
Lesson 16:
Lesson 17:
Lesson 18:
Lesson 19:
Lesson 20:
Lesson 21:
Lesson 22:
Lesson 23:
Lesson 24:
Lesson 25:
Lesson 26:
Treble and Bass Clef Review
Grand Staff Ledger Lines
Piano Keyboard Review
Half Step Review
Accidentals Review
Enharmonics Review
Chromatic and Diatonic Half Steps
The Eighth Rest
Whole Steps
Sixteenth Notes
Major Scales
Major Keys
Major Key Signatures–Sharps
Major Key Signatures–Flats
Major Scales and Key Signatures
The Circle of Fifths
Six-Eight Time
Cut Time
“Sound-Alike” Rhythms
New Dotted-Quarter Note Rhythms
Major Scale Degree Names
Tempo Terms
Articulations and Trills
Musical Road Signs

Mastery Test
Staff-Keyboard Worksheet
Glossary of Terms with Index Page Numbers


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