Upon completion of Book Three, students will be well-prepared to begin further study of harmony and other advanced topics. Remind students to keep their theory books for future reference. They could become handy if students choose to take other courses such as A.P. Music Theory or even if they choose to pursue a music major in college. *Minimum order of 10 books required.*
Book 3 - Advanced Studies (Minimum order of 10 books required.)
01. Book Three contains a complete review of the concepts introduced in Book One and Book Two of the series.
02. High School Directors may prefer to use Book One and Book Two in lower level classes and use Book Three as the theory text for the top Ensemble. This is the sequence preferred and used by the author in his classes. Students in the top ensemble complete the entire third book in a single school year. Students who have completed the third book during previous years (their sophomore or junior year perhaps) must only re-take the quizzes given to the class and correct any previous mistakes prior to periodic grading of the workbook. This repeating cycle allows students new to the program to learn new information while insisting that older students retain mastery of it.
03. Upon completion of Book Three students will be well-prepared to begin further study of harmony and other advanced topics. Successful completion of Book Three is a noteworthy event. Directors may wish to notify parents or make an announcement at the Spring concert.
04. Successful completion of Book Three is a noteworthy event. Students should be praised for this accomplishment. Directors may wish to notify parents with a special letter home or an announcement at the Spring band concert.
Table of Contents
Book Three – Advanced Studies
Staff and Clef Review
Note and Rest Value Review
Keyboard Basics Review
Double Accidentals
Time Signature Review
Whole, Half and Quarter Note Counting Review
Dotted Half and Tied Note Counting Review
Eighth Note Counting Review
Triplet and Syncopation Counting Review
Sixteenth Note Counting Review
Six-Eight Counting Review
Major Scale and Key Signature Review
Compound Time
Counting In Compound Time
The Church Modes
Introduction To Intervals
Major and Perfect Intervals
Minor, Augmented, and Diminished intervals
Non-Toxic Tone Intervals
Inverting Intervals
Inverting Intervals
Descending Intervals
Relative Minor
Minor Scales
Use of the Minor Scale
Parallel Minor
Three-Eight Time
Two-Two (Cut-Time)
Three-Two and Four-Two Time
Five-Eight and Seven-Eight Time
Five-Four and Seven-Four Time
Counting Thirty-Second Notes
Comparing Meters
Triplet Groupings
Diatonic Triads
Triads in Inversion – Part I
Triads in Inversion – Part II
Diatonic Triads in Inversion
The Moveable C Clef